Isabelle Wyss: Switzerland
When you enter Isabelle Wyss' studio in Alsace, her work inevitably draws your attention. She presents a harmonious composition, characterized by the juxtaposition of surfaces and lines, colours and non-colours as well as dynamics and statics.
The viewer immediately finds an entry into the work of art in which the painting promises a vague idea of objectivity. You feel reminded of something without being able to name it, and yet this offers a "bridge into the picture". If this is exceeded, you are surrounded by complete abstraction and rely on your own consideration and interpretation.
This play between supposed figuration and pure abstraction characterizes Isabelle Wyss' work and at the same time testifies to the fundamental approach of the artist herself. "With the first brushstroke, an artistic process starts that demands answers. The idea is manifested or painted, as it were, and is waiting for further interactions". The game mentioned above is sometimes an act of strength to the constant painterly development, which is literally reflected on the canvas and culminates in the question of letting go and stopping.
In the earlier phases of Isabelle Wyss' work, the focus was on forms and techniques. The pictures are characterized by stacking, series and chaining of forms, using a wide variety of painting processes and techniques. It is filled, scratched, sprayed, drawn, painted and painted over. After a tentative rapprochement, Isabelle Wyss devoted herself more and more aggressively to the colour theme, only to finally commit to reducing the colour.
Isabelle has received success, with her works being exhibited at different art exhibitions and galleries in both France and Rome, and Switzerland.
The viewer immediately finds an entry into the work of art in which the painting promises a vague idea of objectivity. You feel reminded of something without being able to name it, and yet this offers a "bridge into the picture". If this is exceeded, you are surrounded by complete abstraction and rely on your own consideration and interpretation.
This play between supposed figuration and pure abstraction characterizes Isabelle Wyss' work and at the same time testifies to the fundamental approach of the artist herself. "With the first brushstroke, an artistic process starts that demands answers. The idea is manifested or painted, as it were, and is waiting for further interactions". The game mentioned above is sometimes an act of strength to the constant painterly development, which is literally reflected on the canvas and culminates in the question of letting go and stopping.
In the earlier phases of Isabelle Wyss' work, the focus was on forms and techniques. The pictures are characterized by stacking, series and chaining of forms, using a wide variety of painting processes and techniques. It is filled, scratched, sprayed, drawn, painted and painted over. After a tentative rapprochement, Isabelle Wyss devoted herself more and more aggressively to the colour theme, only to finally commit to reducing the colour.
Isabelle has received success, with her works being exhibited at different art exhibitions and galleries in both France and Rome, and Switzerland.
2020 - New member
2019 - 11 Galerie Rothus, Solothurn, Gruppenausstellung
2019 - 10 Praxis für psychologisches Coaching, Basel, Auftragsarbeiten
2019 - 08 Swiss Art Expo Zürich (Artbox Project), Gruppenausstellung
2019 - 05 Fabrikculture, Hegenheim (F), Atelier ouvert
2019 - 02 Kunst in der alten Post Biel-Benken, Einzelausstellung
2018 - 11 Internationale Kunstausstellung Arte, Gruppenausstellung
2018 - 3 Galerie f5 Luzern, Farbfragmente; Einzelausstellung
2017 - 10 Seniorenzentrum Schönthal BL; Einzelausstellung, Auftragsarbeiten
2017 - 1 Galleria Costrini, Centro Storico Roma, Il Tempo dell'Attesa; Gruppenausstellung
2016 - 6 Liste 21 TOTAL, Kaskadenkondensator, Gruppenausstellung
2016 - 5 Fabrikculture, Hegenheim (F),Passage; Gruppenausstellung, Atelier ouverts
2015 - 2 BBT, Bautreuhand Allschwil, Einzelausstellung
2013 - 9 GSR Basel, Farbfelder; Einzelausstellung
2009 - 1 UBS Bern/Mittelland, Auftragsarbeiten
Ab 2015: Freischaffende Künstlerin, Fabrikculture Hegenheim
2012 - 2016: Berufsbegleitendes Studium der abstrakten Malerei bei Andreas Durrer und Greet Helsen, Netzwerk Malerei, Münchenstein
2005 - 2012: Ausbildung/Semesterkurse SfG Basel u.a. bei Simone Berger und Rosa Lachenmeier; Experimentelle Kalligraphie bei Andreas Schenk
Ab 2012: Selbständige Marketing/Kommunikationsberaterin, mandatierte Freelancerin Radio SRF 2 Kultur
2000 - 2011: Geschäftsleiterin SRF2 Kulturclub
1995 - 2000: Projektleiterin Sponsoring SRF
2019 - 11 Galerie Rothus, Solothurn, Gruppenausstellung
2019 - 10 Praxis für psychologisches Coaching, Basel, Auftragsarbeiten
2019 - 08 Swiss Art Expo Zürich (Artbox Project), Gruppenausstellung
2019 - 05 Fabrikculture, Hegenheim (F), Atelier ouvert
2019 - 02 Kunst in der alten Post Biel-Benken, Einzelausstellung
2018 - 11 Internationale Kunstausstellung Arte, Gruppenausstellung
2018 - 3 Galerie f5 Luzern, Farbfragmente; Einzelausstellung
2017 - 10 Seniorenzentrum Schönthal BL; Einzelausstellung, Auftragsarbeiten
2017 - 1 Galleria Costrini, Centro Storico Roma, Il Tempo dell'Attesa; Gruppenausstellung
2016 - 6 Liste 21 TOTAL, Kaskadenkondensator, Gruppenausstellung
2016 - 5 Fabrikculture, Hegenheim (F),Passage; Gruppenausstellung, Atelier ouverts
2015 - 2 BBT, Bautreuhand Allschwil, Einzelausstellung
2013 - 9 GSR Basel, Farbfelder; Einzelausstellung
2009 - 1 UBS Bern/Mittelland, Auftragsarbeiten
Ab 2015: Freischaffende Künstlerin, Fabrikculture Hegenheim
2012 - 2016: Berufsbegleitendes Studium der abstrakten Malerei bei Andreas Durrer und Greet Helsen, Netzwerk Malerei, Münchenstein
2005 - 2012: Ausbildung/Semesterkurse SfG Basel u.a. bei Simone Berger und Rosa Lachenmeier; Experimentelle Kalligraphie bei Andreas Schenk
Ab 2012: Selbständige Marketing/Kommunikationsberaterin, mandatierte Freelancerin Radio SRF 2 Kultur
2000 - 2011: Geschäftsleiterin SRF2 Kulturclub
1995 - 2000: Projektleiterin Sponsoring SRF